Reflect and discuss: Risk factors and situational triggers in Mercy’s story

Homepage Forums Prevention Essentials Refresher Discussion Board Session 4: Causes Reflect and discuss: Risk factors and situational triggers in Mercy’s story

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    Mercy’s risk factors, such as exposure to violence as a child, depression as a result of societal pressures on both husbands and wives that increasing the chances of perpetrating violence, and gendered norms such as women and men having different roles, would be very similar if Mercy lived in my community and is the core reason as to why my organization is working to end violence against women and girls through EVAW/G program. Men, for instance, are the ones who provide while women take care of the home and the children; low literacy levels; contribute to distorted perceptions about gender roles. Unemployment, poverty and lack of resources; and social customs directly and indirectly support VAW/VAC. Another reason why men and their families abuse women and endanger their identity in society is when they don’t bear male offspring as well as denial of conjugal rights that may lead to marital rape. Situation triggers that Mercy is likely to experience include being intoxicated, questioning her spouse’s authority, and seeking money that her partner might not be able to provide. Social safety nets, well-established regulations, and strong governmental enforcement of those laws would all be safeguards for Mercy. Education and awareness for both boys and girls are necessary for both a change in gendered roles and an understanding of cultural norms. When these kids get older, they are more likely to accept shared household responsibilities. Women who have received an education may be able to provide for their children and themselves, as well as understand how to save and invest money.

    Amos Mlotha

      Mercy`s situation is not very different with what women experience in my community, most men are mistreating women and abusing them because they know women have been depressed by the cultural beliefs. However due to some interventions that we have done in the communities, the level of violence have reduced and men are now able to realize the effects of their behaviours and most of the harmful cultural practices that fueled GBV have been modified and some completely eliminated.

      GATHEL M

        mary’s risk factors would be less due to the following :
        individual factors: she would be having access to stronger support that help her keep her mental state in order.
        her tolerance to violence would be as she will be more informed about how to react to violence
        she would not be in a position to tolerate violence as she is well-educated and understands her rights and responsibilities
        if she is employed, she has access to own property or credit which makes it easier for her to sustain herself and not depend on her husband for survival.

        the community has a more progressive norm culture that looks down on violence against women, primitive norms that see women as lesser beings, and norms that encourage intimate partner violence.
        society has structures that protect Mercy in the case of any violent act that is being experienced by Mercy.
        society has policies in place that protect mercy in all areas of her life


          How the risk factors would differ if Mercy lived in my community:-
          1. Mercy would be given an opportunity to finish school and not giving upper hand to boys
          2. She would have a career making her economically empowered hence changing or breaking the cycle of poverty and violence
          3. Her girl would also be in a position to attend school
          4. She would have been given an opportunity to finish school after falling pregnant

          Situational triggers would also change because there would be an ease on pressure on money given that she would be earning a decent income.

          Sujan Nepali

            In my community, the most salient risk factors and triggers are similar to what Mercy experienced in her life. However, there are some notable differences. One key difference is that nowadays, education is provided equally to both sons and daughters in our community. This shift towards gender equality in education can serve as a protective factor, empowering women and girls with knowledge and skills to advocate for their rights and make informed decisions.

            Another difference is that the traditional practice of solely attributing a married woman’s responsibility to keeping her husband happy is not prevalent in our community. Instead, there is a growing recognition that marital responsibilities should be shared between partners, promoting healthier dynamics and reducing the risk of gender-based violence.

            It is important to note that while these factors and triggers differ in my community compared to Mercy’s situation, there may still be additional factors and triggers specific to our community that need to be addressed. By understanding these nuances, we can tailor our violence prevention efforts to effectively respond to the unique challenges and promote a safer environment for everyone.

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