Prevention Essentials for Momentum Country and Global Leadership in Nigeria
Get the latest thinking on core
concepts in violence against women
prevention and how to use them
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Course Summary
This course introduces the latest thinking on the core concepts, models, and strategies in violence against women prevention. You will learn about the nature of violence against women, the what and why of prevention, and multiple causes of violence. This will help inform a co-creation session on prevention strategies that have proven to be effective. You will have ample opportunities to share with other practitioners and to apply these concepts to your own programmes and contexts.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the nature of violence against women, including patterns of violence across the life course of women and girls
- Differentiate between different types of data on violence against women
- Reflect on the data available in your context
- Explain what prevention of violence against women means and why it is important
- Distinguish between violence against women prevention and response interventions
- Explain the five violence against women prevention principles and their importance for prevention programming
- Explain the links between gender inequality and violence against women
- Identify risk factors, protective factors, and situational triggers of violence against women using the socio-ecological model

Session 1
The nature of violence against women
Friday, 20th August
2:30PM – 4:30PM

Session 2
The what and why of prevention
Friday, 27th August
2:30PM – 4:30PM

Session 3
Understanding causes to find solutions
Tuesday, 31st August
1:00PM – 3:00PM