Prevention Essentials—the latest on what, why, & how
Get a refresher on the latest thinking on core concepts in violence against women prevention and how to use them, specially adapted for Nepal.
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Course Summary
This course introduces the latest thinking on the core concepts, models, and strategies in violence against women (VAW) prevention. You will learn about the nature of VAW, the what and why of prevention, prevention principles, multiple causes of violence, and prevention strategies that have proven to be effective. You will have ample opportunities to share with other practitioners and to apply these concepts to your own programmes.
This course is part of a suite of online learning opportunities designed to strengthen the capacity of practitioners and implementing organisations to design and deliver quality programmes to prevent violence against women and their children (VAW/C), and provides the prevention essentials critical for participation in more advanced courses in the Learning Lab. This version of Prevention Essentials has been specially adapted for partners implementing UNFPA’s GBVPR-II programme in Nepal.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Identify common types, consequences, and patterns of VAW, with a focus on intimate partner violence (IPV).
- Understand prevention and why it is important.
- Distinguish between VAW prevention and response interventions.
- Describe how to apply VAW prevention principles.
- Explain the links between gender inequality and VAW.
- Identify risk factors, protective factors, and situational triggers of VAW using the socio-ecological model.
- Review prevention strategies that have shown to be effective at reducing VAW.
- Identify how prevention strategies can address specific risk factors, protective factors, and/or situational triggers at different levels.