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  • in reply to: Value Clarification Exercise: Common Social Norms #243685

      These cultural norms are usually used as an excuse by men to women and children and sadly in some communities’ women believe these to be noble which works against them and has in some cases led to injury or death of the abused.

      in reply to: Reflection: Shared Risk Factors #243125

        The phrase has been when parents feel that the children will have erred. In most instances it will be used when the caregivers feel the need to discipline the child. This has affected the way of disciplining as most of it is punishment and not positive discipline

        in reply to: Reflect and discuss: Prevention strategies #243123

          In my organisation context, the couples dialogue meeting might prove a good way of reducing violence especially if they may involve the couple and a teenage girl. The girl representing all the children in the family. This will improve communication and at the same time capacitating the participants with other skills such as problem solving.


            The bad economic environment in my community would have created a similar situation to that of Mercy though a lot of strides have been made towards gender equality whereby both girls and boys are treated the same when it comes to educating them. With jobs hard to come by and with a high unemployment rate most men are stressed on economic issues which has made some of them to be violent, however Economic Strengthening programs involving men are proving to be a catalyst in reducing this violence.

            in reply to: Reflect and discuss: Gender inequality in Mercy’s story #243110

              Denying girls an opportunity to pursue their interests and subjecting them to household activities puts girls/women at a disadvantage as men by virtue of gained superiority take them as tools and not equals in life. This creates room for the perpetration of violence against them

              Women struggle to achieve personal growth thus will forever be looked down upon and not involved even in decision making on issues affecting them

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