KAJUGA Iraguha Nicole

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  • in reply to: Reflect and discuss: Prevention, mitigation, or response #6274

    Prevention Activity: The National Women Council in collaboration with communities ( Families) and Schools in teaching young generation how to abstain themselves in the early sexual activities to prevent early pregnancies for young girls.
    I place this activity under the Universal prevention because it point at the whole community.

    in reply to: Reflect and discuss: Why prevention in Mercy’s story #6118

    1. Violence prevention is important for Mercy’s community because it is good for all the community to look for solutions and get responses together to stop violence solutions and modifying physical and social environment; get positive health outcomes; and help community to commit themselves in preventing violence.

    2. Activities that can prevent violence against women in her community:
    – Engage Men in prevention of violence against Women.
    – Promote positive health programs.
    – Include school based approaches.
    – Organizing meeting with community; share ideas with them and teach them about gender equality.

    example of an activity that prevent violence:
    Teaching your children about gender equality since they are still young.

    in reply to: Reflect and discuss: Why prevention in Mercy’s story #6109

    1. Violence prevention is important in Mercy’s community because Mercy taught it could be good to look for solution and get responses to stop people from getting sick, rather than treating them when they already ill.

    2.Activities could prevent violence against women in Mercy’s community:
    – The Whole community work together to take action.
    – Burring waste human far from the river.
    – Washing hands with soap after taking care of sick people.
    – Sterilizing water before using it.
    – Setting up safe water supply and sanitation facilities.

    Example of violence prevention activity:
    – Training your children about gender equality since they still young.

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