Mercy´s story indicates how violence is created and simplified in Mercy´s family and community. There are deep rooted cultural and social beliefs that violence is just a key part of life and being married which will pass down to children and violence against women led continue. Prevention is crucial to challenge some of these harmful social norms, breaking the silence of culture, enhance justice seeking behavior and promote healthier relationships and positive coping mechanisms otherwise it will continue unchallenged. Addressing the root cause, like the scenario of the diarrhoea in the community from the water source, is key to make any inroads on challenging violence against women.
Violence against women needs to be discussed and speak up intensively, like in the project in Rwanda, these discussions need to be had among women and men, especially couples to start to challenges these beliefs and harmful gender norms. Working with men and boys is key change agent, GBV awareness raising, GBV reduction initiatives, creating spaces for dialogues with key stakeholders in the community who have influence like community and religious leaders, working with groups like husbands, dialogue religious dialogue and CBOs, PTS ( Parent ,teacher and student) interaction, family dialogue and so on.