Reflect and discuss: Prevention strategies

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    Reflect on the context you typically work in. What violence prevention strategies might be promising given risk factors in your setting?


    Based on the context Women for Women Rwanda works in, violence prevention strategies that are/can be promising are:
    * Economic and Social empowerment

    * Couples programs

    * Parenting programs

    * Community mobilization

    *Addressing harmful alcohol and other substances abuse

    * Media and Edutainment

    Gikuu Grace Ireri

      Couples and Parenting programmes -Communication skills are important between couples as society norms and religion have discouraged shared decision making over family decisions and resources in the family. Also important to support parents adopt non violent ways of correcting children.
      Social and economic transfers and empowerment to secure livelihoods for both men and women are also important.
      Enforcing legislation around women’s inheritance to property and productive assets in marriage is important as widowed or separated women face numerous challenges.nThere is also need for civil society advocacy on monitoring budgetary allocations and practice by some of the institutions like the police who are key in investigations and prosecution of perpetrators of violence for children, girls and women.
      Media and edutainment around some of the progressive laws that guarantee women’s access to property and land are also important in offering women information and confidence to claim their rights and also challenge long standing discriminatory cultural practices regarding women’s rights and roles as equal decision makers in society.


      In my organization/setting, following promising violence prevention strategies are: couples and youth (student and out of school) programs, engaging men program, religious, media, CSOs, Refugees and campaign in synergy with government.

      Amina Hambali

        i think this couple session will work in some area because of IPV cases and men claim over economic.
        also this economic empowerment too

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