Reflect and discuss: Risk factors and situational triggers in Mercy’s story

Homepage Forums Prevention Essentials Refresher Discussion Board Session 4: Causes Reflect and discuss: Risk factors and situational triggers in Mercy’s story

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  • #250047
    MANIRAKOZE Edouard

      If Mercy lived my community, the situation would remain the same. Even if many NGOs and government laws are doing their best to finish this, I can not confirm that her situation would be much better. Even in Burundi, men are aware that they have to check for money and the wives to stay home. Even if wives work and earn money, some of them bring the salary to the man or they even not go to the bank because it’s their husband who have to go to the bank. There still much to do


      If Mercy were to live in my community, the circumstances and the triggers might be different because she might not have to drop out of school. This would also depend on the family she lives with, as some still thinks it’s a waste of time and effort to send female children to school because they belong in the kitchen. she may have chosen to acquire skills, which would have made her financially independent and possibly decreased the number of violent incidents in the life of Mercy.

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