Reflect and discuss: VAW prevention principles

Homepage Forums Prevention Essentials Refresher Discussion Board Session 3: Prevention Reflect and discuss: VAW prevention principles

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      Women and girls who participate in the programme are assisted in getting access to services such as health care and programmes to help them become financially independent. The women and girls are provided a safe space where they may seeks assistance without fear or prejudice of their safety being at further risk . The women become part of the development of the programme through training in order for them to hold their own programmes within their immediate communities. They are made aware of how valuable their feedback and inputs are throughout the programme stages.
      The programme is not exclusive to women and children in the sense that it has programme where men can be part of the discourses around violence. Through this power dynamics within relationships are exposed and solutions are explored within families. Men are made aware of how they use of violence maintains power inequalities and the consequences of gender based violence. As a result of the programs men are able to share their power over their households with their intimate partners and recognize the need for girls to have their power acknowledged as well.
      The programme welcomes women from all walks of life. The core values of the programme include acceptance of all regardless of race, gender, sexuality and disability.
      The programme has professional health care providers on standby in order to provide counselling as well as other services for the women and girls who need to be referred to such services.
      The staff in the programme undergo training before starting their work in order to ensure they recognize what challenge they may encounter while working in the programme as well as how their positionality will impact the effect they have to women and girls they come across within as well as outside the programme. They are made to reflect on their own prejudice and attitudes towards certain groups of people whether based in their sexuality or their race.

      Megan Denise Smith

        I think our programme is somewhat accountable to women and girls but could be improved. We are accountable in terms of the participation of women and girls in shaping programme activities and being responsive to their feedback. We use some structured questionnaires as well which help women and girls voice their feedback on activities. We also work with community volunteers, I do think we could improve this though and we are top down in some ways. In other settings I have seen activities really taken up and led by women´s organisations. I do think in Bangladesh we have many structural limitations to ensuring women and girls are taking a lead role in the operations of activities in the way we want to see and there could be much more done in this regard.

        Our programme was based on a gender power analysis. We did understand the socio-cultural dynamics and with our interventions we had to be very careful not to cause further backlash against women and girls who would participate in our programme and create new GBV risks. Its important to note that gendered social norms are constantly changing here and our frontline field staff have different yet similar dynamics in their own community that we need to be aware of as well.

        I don´t think our programme is very inclusive or intersectional. While we have some women with disabilities who attend activities we miss out on many people and we could reach more. I know we also fail in providing services for gender diverse groups. For example, many Hijra, or third gender individuals are not reached in our programming. I wish our programs responded to the needs of all our beneficiaries irrespective of gender, colour, disability status, sexual orientation but I know its not the reality.

        This is what I think we do the best, we really work with women and girls to put them in the driver´s seat of their own safety. We really work to minimise the risk of backlash against them and we do regular risk mapping and safety planning with women, we monitor and address

        I think we could improve on this point as well. I think in the beginning when we trained our staff we had them reflect on power dynamics in their own community but our focus was very much on the refugee community including our volunteers. I think it would be good to have our staff reflect on gender transformative approaches in their own day to day life.

        Awet Woldegiorgis

          The Ethical principles in VAW prevention are a “must DO’ principles to ensure, accountability, inclusiveness, safety and practical sustainable change. Currently, I am working on GBV prevention and response intervention program where we provide GBV response services and currently piloting prevention interventions. In the Women and girls safe spaces where we run, there is a system where we engage our beneficiaries in program design and planning, prioritizing interventions and get their feedback about the services we offer. To mention some, we conduct focus group discussions at the beginning of the year to identify the needs of the beneficiaries on services, activities they would like to have it in the centers, then there are suggestion boxes and client satisfaction surveys conducted regularly to gauge the satisfaction of our beneficiaries. The list mile assurance intervention also ensure that the supplies we provide is reaching to the grass root level community and direct beneficiaries we serve. The prevention related interventions, mainly the awareness raising activities are designed in a way to have the gender and power analysis that promotes gender equality and understand the power dynamics in a relationship. The social norms pilot project is also designed to have a gender power analysis among couples and also opinion leaders.

          Linda Mbeyu

            ensuring that both young and older women’s views are gathered and lstened to at every step of the project from design to implementation and termination
            Involving both men and women and putting into consideration that men and women relate differently and each contribute significantly to project outcomes
            Taking into consideration men and women and the different orientations, gender, colour race
            working with the women and girls while enhancing their safety and minimizing risks
            Working on our attitudes, beliefs mainly around gender and related power differences

            Grace Mukhuta-Banda

              Feedback channels are essential to programming and aim to directly impact the lives of women and girls. In order to excel at this, we have and emphasize on hearing the voices of women and girls through focus group discussions and discussion groups. The given feedback is incorporated into programming thus greatly impacting the lives of women and girls.

              Assessment of power dynamics and imbalances are done throughout the project. Using interactive theatre, we seek to address these imbalances and ensure some form of behaviour change and equality.

              Throughout the planning of project activities, we aim for the content to be inclusive by taking into account persons with disability and different identities

              Based on our safeguarding and do no harm policies, we ensure that our participants are safe at all times.

              We lead by example, as a professional/employee and as a facilitator. We further reflect on our behaviours and deliverables, we also adapt to change so as to ensure that the needs of women and girls are met

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