Welcome and introductions

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  • #249300
    Syed Abul Farah

      You are welcome. This is Syed Abul Farah, from Bangladesh.

      Audrey Nafula

        Hallo, My name is Audrey Nafula living in Busia Kenya, boarder to Kenya and Uganda, I am a child protection and adult safeguarding practitioner, I am excited to be part of this great team, I look forward to engaging with both the facilitators and participants and also gain more knowledge on prevention and response to Violence against women and children , being on the boarder VAW/C is so rampant and look forward to being capacity built to deal with such cases.
        Thank you.


          Hello everyone,
          My name is Risper Kibunja, a prevention officer at Partners for Health and Development in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. I hereby, look forward to attaining more skills and knowledge about VAW in order to offer quality services to the population I serve.

          Zipporah Marigi

            Hello Everyone,

            My name is Zipporah Njoki a passionate young woman who believes in achieving gender justice for every woman and girl in the world. This might seem to be a far fetched fruit, but if milestones achieved in the fight against GBV is anything to go by, it will be true to say that action is taking place. I am here to learn and strengthen my gender justice skills by understanding VAW winning strategies and learning paths.

            I am from Mombasa, Kenya

            Niki Hall-Jones

              Hello everyone. My name is Niki Hall-Jones and I am the Programme Manager for a frontline delivery VAWG-prevention charity called Action Breaks Silence which is based in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am looking forward to deepening my knowledge and to being part of this community.

            Viewing 5 posts - 251 through 255 (of 266 total)
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