Reflect and discuss: Why prevention in Mercy’s story

Homepage Forums Prevention Essentials Refresher Discussion Board Session 3: Prevention Reflect and discuss: Why prevention in Mercy’s story


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  • #6715
    Langi Malamba

      The general normalization of violence in many forms, such as physical, sexual, economic etc was rife in Mercy’s community.
      Prevention is very important because it is solution focused and creative to preempt future reoccurrences of episodes of violence. Properly thought through prevention programmes will have education and awareness for the affected survivors and the alleged perpetrators ; the supporters, collaborators and generalized others such as family members, church groups, community activists, clinic staff etc.
      Prevention activities
      Properly thought through prevention programmes will have education and awareness activities for the affected survivors (women and children) and the alleged perpetrators ; whistle blower activities for the supporters, collaborators and generalized others such as family members, church groups, community activists, clinic staff etc. Drama activities to simplify and demonstrate how VAW manifests and affect family life. Advocacy and social mobilization activities to lobby policy makers is also critical to ensure legal instruments are implemented in the best interest of survivors . The community successfully decreased high mortality rates due to cholera using community mobilization strategies and lobbied government in the water and sanitation sector to install toilets and portable water systems which completely eliminated cholera.

      Joan Lanyero

        In Mercy’s story the violence is socialized, looked at as a norm and accepted in a way as the trend is from generation to generation -her mother’s, her own but also happening during her daughters time. Its perpetrated in the private and public sphere by individuals but also the community as they were not really acknowledging it as a vice and doing something about it. People live in fear like Mercy feared for her daughter’s life and was doing everything in her power to protect her.

        Violence prevention is vital and compared to the story of diarhhorea prevention as we realise that Mercy’s bold step to do something about it actually can impact on others and the community can change. So change starts with you and trickles down to the community but also flags that prevention is everyone’s responsibility as violence hurts everyone in the community


        ¿Por qué es importante la prevención de la violencia para la comunidad de Mercy? La VCM es frecuente en su comunidad y se ha identificado múltiples consecuencias negativas en las mujeres y sus familias, por ello, existe una necesidad urgente de prevenir y responder a todas las formas de violencia contra la mujer en su comunidad
        ¿Qué actividades podrían prevenir la violencia contra la mujer en su comunidad? Campañas de sensibilización, Identificación y mitigación de riesgos, Empoderamiento de las mujeres, Abogacía e incidencia para normar y legislar la defensa de los derechos de las mujeres


        Coincido contigo en la importancia que tuvo la iniciativa de Mercy. Ojalá muchas mujeres tomen iniciativa para prevenir la violencia que les afecta a ellas y a otras mujeres


        Coincido en tu consideración de la existencia de normas de género que normalizan y reproducen la VCM

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